Brodyagina, M Yunnikova, R Muhamedyev. OLAP technologies — the concept and main advantages. OLAP technology usage in GIS – SOLAP // The 13th International conference information technologies and management. – Riga: Information Systems Management Institute, 2015. – P. 102-103.

Публикации MoRES

GIS technology provides collection, storage, analysis and geographic visualization of the spatial data. GIS are designed for decisionmaking
using the map data in areas such as transportation management and land, resources and retail trade, the use of spatial objects, and
so on. GIS technologies are divided into: GIS for general purpose and specialized. GIS for the general purpose include the following tasks:
input, manipulation, management, query and analysis, data visualization. The tasks of «query and analysis» can be resolved with the use of
OLAP and BI-technologies. Consider the solution of these problems in development of a multi-layered intelligent GIS in the field of «green
energy». OLAP technology can to resolve such questions as: “Monitoring of the current status in terms of energy consumption in the GIS,
(consider and analyze the energy consumption at some address on the map), to create the audit of consumers and producers, to assess the
current state of the transition to renewable energy.”
Keywords: GIS technologies, OLAP, SOLAP systems, OLAP cubes.
1. Introduction to OLAP (in Russian)
2. Yvan Bédard, Sonia Rivest, Marie-Josée Proulx Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing (SOLAP): Concepts, Architectures and Solutions from a Geomatics Engineering Perspective
3. Latyshev K V, Sidorenko V N 2013 Application of modern information technologies for analysis of spatial distribution of socio-economic data (in Russian)
4. Kudryavtsev Y 2008 OLAP technology: review of the problems and research
5. Microsoft Reporting and Analysis Tools
6. Esri Maps for IBM Cognos
7. Pentaho documentation