Rakhimzhanova N.K., Muhamedyev R.I. Identification of the users’ goals in system of monitoring renewable energy // International conference information technologies and management. – Riga: Information Systems Management Institute, 2015. – P. 92-94.
The aim of this thesis is to identify the users’ goals and correct those by interviewing and contextual inquire with users. The data collected from first time interview and brainstorming are given.
Keywords: intellectual information systems, USE CASE, renewable energy, monitoring systems.
1. Комитет по Возобновляемым Источникам Энергии «ОЮЛ Казахстанская Электроэнергетическая Ассоциация» http://www.windenergy.kz/ 2015
2. Renewables Global Features Report 2013 France