Ravil I. Muhamedyev, I. Alihodzhaev, A. Ishmanov, J.Muhamedijeva. Monitoring of renewable energy sources in RK: technological preconditions, architecture of system and market volume.  // Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems. — Kobe, ISIS. — 2015. — p. 777-791.
Abstract. Wireless sensor networks, inter-machine communication system (Machine-
to-Machine — M2M) and broadband networks based on new communication
protocols that provide high speed and reliability of inter-machine connections
will become the technological basis for big scale monitoring. Combining
such disparate technologies within smart grids and using GIS for visualization
presents strong interest for researchers both in terms of system architecture,
economic indicators and security.
Paper focused on the discussion of the elements of new technologies that
could be used to develop system of monitoring renewable sources. We made attempt
to estimate volume of market that could appear as result of implementation
of the system. We also briefly considered some examples of monitoring
systems and technology aspects that lies at the basis of such systems.
Keywords: green and renewable energy, resource monitoring, GIS, visualization,
smart-government, big and heterogeneous data, 5G.
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