- Интеллектуальная геоинформационная система оценки ресурсов возобновляемых источников энергии Казахстана: монография. Мухамедиев Р. И., Киселева С.В., Мустакаев Р.Р., Якунин К.О., Мухамедиева Е.Л., Абдолдина Ф.Н. – Алматы, 2017. – 174 с.
- R Muhamedyev, E Muhamedyeva, R Mustakayev, F Abdoldina. Factors and data for RES evaluation // CMNT, 21(3), 2017, р. 7-11.
- Мухамедиев Р.И., Мухамедиева Е.Л., Абдолдина Ф.Н., Мустакаев Р.Р., Якунин К.О., Шахметова А.Ж., Батькаев Ш.Р., Назирова А.Б., Киселева С.В., Гопеенко В.И. Оценка потенциала возобновляемых источников энергии. Реферативный обзор //International science conference «Computer science and applied mathematics», 2017 — ISBN 978-601-04-3103-0 — p.337-363
- Yakunin K., Muhamedyev R., Mustakaev R., Shokishalov Z. Method of aggregation of heterogeneous factors for GIS decision support system for RES of Kazakhstan //Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 2017 11th International Conference on. – IEEE, 2017. – С. 196-200.
- R Muhamedyev, Y Muhamedijeva. Data sources for RES evaluation // Proceeding of the 15th International Scientific Conference «Information Technologies and Management «, 2017, April 25 — 26, Riga, Latvia. pp.102-104, ISSN 1691-2489
- Ravil I. Mukhamediev, Ramiz M. Aligulyev, Jelena Muhamedijeva Estimation of relationship between domains of ICT semantic network// DTGS-2017, accepted for publication after blind review.
- Muhamedyev, R., Kiseleva, S., Gopejenko, V. I., Amirgaliyev, Y., Muhamedyeva, E., Gopejenko, A. V., & Abdoldina, F. Visualization of the Renewable Energy Resources //International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics. – Springer International Publishing, 2016. – С. 218-227. on-site
- Мухамедиева Е., Мустакаев Р., Джакупов А., Абдильманова А., Абдолдина Ф., Мухамедиев Р.И. Агрегирование разнородных данных в системе поддержки принятия решений по использованию возобновляемых источников энергии // Матер. междунар. науч. конф. Информатика и прикладная математика. – Алматы: ИИВТ, 2016. – C.322-330.
- Абдильманова А., Алыгулиев Р., Мухамедиев Р. Дифференциальные метрики оценки библиометрических показателей доменов ИКТ // Cloud of Science. — 2016. — T. 3. — № 3. — C.366-379.
- Диянов П.С., Киселева С.В. Органические отходы производства и потребления Алматинской области как ресурсы для биоэнергетики // Возобновляемые источники энергии. – М.: МГУ, 2016. – С.93-100.
- А. Ишманов, И. Алиходжаев, Р. Мустакаев, Е. Мухамедиева, Р. Мухамедиев. Модели программного обеспечения многослойной интеллектуальной системы мониторинга ВИЭ // «Вестник КазНИТУ» 2016 №115, 11 — стр. [Файл:МИГИС-МоделиПО-v.1.06.docx]
- А.Ишманов, И.Алиходжаев, Л.Лукпанова, Р.Мустакаев, Р.Мухамедиев. Городское автономное устройство сбора данных об окружающей среде. // Вестник «КазНИТУ», N6 , 2016
- Nazirova A.B., Abdoldina F.N., Aymahanov M., Muhamedyev R.I., Umirova G.K. The automated system for gravimetric monitoring of the oil and gas deposit// Proceedings of the Second International Conference — DTGS 2016, St.Petersburg, Russia, 5.p
- A Y Jakupov. Comparative analysis of GIS in sight of view of renewable energy sources monitoring // COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2016 20(1) 29-35
- K A Akhatova, R I Muhamediyev,R N Beysembekova, A Abdilmanova.Analysis of the structure of the publication activity in the field of ICT and renewable energy// Proceedings of The 14th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT 2016 April 14-15, 2016, ISMA University, Riga, Latvia, р.100-102.
- A Sabyrzhan, A Abdilmanova,R Muhamedyev.Scientometric analysis of visualization phenomenon// Proceedings of The 14th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT 2016 April 14-15, 2016, ISMA University, Riga, Latvia, р.103-105.
- Muhamedyev, R. I., Muhamedyeva, J., Amirgaliyev, Y. N., Khamitov, A. N., & Abdilmanova, A. Revelation of New ICT Domains for Upcoming Kazakhstan’s Participation //Proceedings of the 2015 2nd International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia. – ACM, 2015. – С. 179-188. on-site
- Ravil Muhamedyev, Aidos Ishmanov, Andrew Andreev, Jelena Muhamedijeva and Ilyas Alikhodzhayev. Technological preconditions of monitoring of renewable energy sources of the Republic of Kazakhstan //Proceedings of the 2015 Twelve International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), IEEE 2015, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0199-6 p 101-107
- Muhamedyev R. Machine learning methods: An overview //CMNT. — 19(6). – 2015. — P. 14-29.
- Ravil I. Muhamedyev, I. Alihodzhaev, A. Ishmanov, J.Muhamedijeva. Monitoring of renewable energy sources in RK: technological preconditions, architecture of system and market volume // Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, ISIS 2015, p. 777-791. Annotation
- Ravil I. Muhamedyev, Yedilkhan N. Amirgaliyev, Maksat N. Kalimoldayev, Alim N. Khamitov, Ainur Abdilmanova. Selection of the most prominent lines of research in ICT domain // Proceedings of the 2015 Twelve International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), IEEE 2015, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0199-6 р. 36-42. Annotation
- Ishmanov A.O., Alikhojayev I.B. Spatial data consolidation for decision support in the field of green energy // The International conference information technologies and management. – Riga: Information Systems Management Institute, 2015. – P. 90-91. Annotation
- Brodyagina, M. Yunnikova. Potential of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan // The International conference information technologies and management. – Riga: Information Systems Management Institute, 2015. – P. 104-105. Annotation
- Brodyagina, M Yunnikova, R Muhamedyev. OLAP technologies — the concept and main advantages. OLAP technology usage in GIS – SOLAP // The 13th International conference information technologies and management. – Riga: Information Systems Management Institute, 2015. – P. 102-103. Annotation
- Rakhimzhanova N.K., Muhamedyev R.I. Identification of the users’ goals in system of monitoring renewable energy // International conference information technologies and management. – Riga: Information Systems Management Institute, 2015. – P. 92-94. Annotation
- Muhamedyev R.I., Muhamedyeva E. Technological preconditions for monitoring renewable energy // The 13th International conference information technologies and management. – Riga: Information Systems Management Institute, 2015. – P. 112-115. Annotation
- Ravil I. Muhamedyev, Andrey D. Giyenko, Victor T. Pyagai, Kairat Bostanbekov. Premises for the creation of renewable energy sources GIS monitoring // Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies — AICT2014. – Astana, 2014. – 398-402. Annotation
- Мухамедиев Р. И., Мухамедиева Е.Л., Кучин Я. И.Таксономия методов машинного обучения и оценка качества классификации и обучаемости // Электронный журнал Cloud of science. – 2015. – T. 2, № 3 – 13 c. Annotation
- Ravil I. Muhamedyev, Jelena Muhamedyeva, Yedilkhan N. Amirgaliyev, Alim N. Khamitov, Ainur Abdilmanova. Revelation of new ICT domains for upcoming Kazakhstan’s participation // Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia, EGOSE-2015. -St.Petersburg. ACM New York. — 2015, — P. 179-188. Annotation
- Alim Khamitov, Ravil Muhamedyev, Edilkhan Amirgalyev. The extended taxonomy of Smart City domain // 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems. – Busan, 2015. – 6 p. (accepted for publication). Annotation